Un paio di settimane fa, come un autentico fulmine a ciel sereno, vi avevamo dato notizia dell’allontanamento coatto del chitarrista/cantante Tom Delonge dai Blink 182, news che siamo certi abbia turbato molti di voi.

Come capita spesso in tutti i grandi addii, ognuna delle parti interessate ha raccontato la propria verità, con buona pace di chi alla fine non ci capirà un c***o. Il bassista Mark Hoppus e il batterista Travis Barker hanno aperto le danze e Tom Delonge le ha chiuse,  lasciando il mondo intero senza un vero colpevole per quella che sembra essere la definitiva fine della formazione originale dei Blink 182.

Poi esce un’intervista di Tom dove si capisce che la musica non è forse la sua preoccupazione principale, il ragazzo sembra infatti essersi flippato il cervello con gli alieni, al punto di pensare di essere spiato dal governo e di temere per la propria incolumità. Storie pese di telefoni sotto controllo, rumori strani nella notte, sparizioni misteriose, email torbide e incontri pruriginosi con scienziati nazi… insomma capirete che la musica passa in secondo piano quando ti sei bruciato il cervello in questo modo.

Ecco alcuni passaggi della sconvolgente intervista:

You have to understand, I’ve been involved in this for a long time. I have sources from the government. I’ve had my phone taped. I’ve done a lot of weird stuff in this industry — people wouldn’t believe me if I told them. But this is what happens when you start getting on an email chains with hundreds of scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and different universities around the country, and you start outing seniors scientists from Lockheed Martin talking about the reality of this stuff, guys that hold 30 patents, guys that work underground out in the Nevada test sites in Area 51. It goes far beyond just saying, “Hey, that little light in the sky, that’s a little green man.” That doesn’t lend the right gravity to the topic.

La situa si fa ancora più seria quando si parla delle intercettazioni telefoniche:

Yeah, yeah I did. For quite some time. Years ago, there was somebody who was gathering 150 hours of top secret testimony specifically for Congressional hearings on government projects and the US secret space program. People from NASA, Rome, the Vatican, you name it, they’re all on there. The top 36 hours that summarized the best parts of all of that footage, I had it hidden in my house for a period of time, and during that time I was flying this person out along with somebody that was Wernher von Braun’s right-hand assistant. Wernher von Braun was a Nazi scientist that we brought over to build our Apollo rockets that got us to the moon, and on his deathbed he told this person a bunch of stuff, and I was flying them out to Los Angeles and we were taking certain meetings. At that time a lot of weird stuff started happening.

Chiunque al suo posto sarebbe a dir poco preoccupato per la propria sicurezza (fossimo nei suoi famigliari, magari ci preoccuperemmo più della sua salute mentale…):

To give you an example, one time I remember bringing up a very specific craft that I believe we’re building, in secret, to emulate the phenomenon that our government has been observing for decades. So I started talking about the craft, and its magnetic slide system and how it displaces over 89% of the mass of the ship, how it ionizes the engine, how it glows — I went through the whole thing, and this engineer looks at me, this guy is 70 years old, and he goes, “You better be real fucking careful about what you’re talking about.” And I go, “Okay, so I’m close.” And he goes, “I’m not fucking kidding with you. You better be really fucking careful.” And he calls me up the next day and he goes, “I’ve had calls about you. If someone comes and asks you to get in their car, don’t fucking get in the car.” [laughs] And that’s the shit I’m dealing with.

Tom, tenendo fede alla scuola di santommasosenonvedononcredo, racconta anche dell’incontro avuto con gli alieni:

We had two nights. We did one outside of a secret base called China Lake. And that was on the flight path to Area 51, which is known as Groom Lake. We camped out at the northern end of that, about 200 miles from the nearest staff location. We were above an area called Tonopah, which is where they test-fly a lot of different things. So if you remember, I was talking about a person that was gathering all that footage for the congressional hearing. That person was telling me that that the big belief, which I had corroborated by a university professor that was in the know, by the way, that the communication of this particular phenomenon is the frequency of thought. So part of communicating and making contact is shutting your mind down and being able to project your thoughts. And this guy was telling me about it, and this whole protocol for how it works. When we went out there the first night, we decided to run through this protocol where you project your thoughts. So we decided to do it, and we were up mad late, but nothing happened. I kept telling the guys: if anything was going to happen, it would happen at three in morning, because that’s the time when things like this happen. Don’t ask me why. We put about four logs on the fire, and everything is illuminated by the fire, and we fall asleep around one or two. I woke up right around three a.m. My whole body felt like it had static electricity, and I open my eyes and the fire is still going, and there’s a conversation going on outside the tent. It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something. Then I close my eyes and wake up, and the fire is out and I have about three hours of lost time.

Di seguito, un Tom spaesato dopo questo inusuale incontro:

Se volete potete leggere l’intervista completa qui, noi vi salutiamo con il video di una sua collega: