Tupac Shakur

18 anni fa moriva Tupac Shakur , punto di riferimento dell’Hip hop di allora, e forse anche un po’ di quello di adesso, ucciso da 5 proiettili sparati da un auto in corsa.

18 anni dopo, l’ufficiale di polizia Chris Carroll ha dichiarato quali sono state le ultime parole del rapper newyorkese.

Un nuovo aforisma da aggiungere come stato ai vostri diari di facebook o da farsi tatuare?

Non proprio, dato che le ultime parole pare siano state “Fuck You” mentre l’ufficiale continuava a rompergli i coglioni per sapere cos’era successo e chi gli avesse sparato. A rispondergli così un po’ aveva anche ragione.

Qui il comunicato ufficiale

“So I’m looking at Tupac, and he’s trying to yell back at Suge, and I’m asking him, ‘Who shot you? What happened? Who did it?’ And he was just kind of ignoring me. He was making eye contact with me here and there, but he’s trying to yell at Suge. And I kept asking over and over, ‘Who did this? Who shot you?’ And he basically kept ignoring me.

 And then I saw in his face, in his movements, all of a sudden in the snap of a finger, he changed. And he went from struggling to speak, being noncooperative, to an ‘I’m at peace’ type of thing. Just like that.

 He went from fighting to ‘I can’t do it.’ And when he made that transition, he looked at me, and he’s looking right in my eyes. And that’s when I looked at him and said one more time, ‘Who shot you?’

 “He looked at me and he took a breath to get the words out, and he opened his mouth, and I thought I was actually going to get some cooperation. And then the words came out: ‘Fuck you.’

 “After that, he started gurgling and slipping out of consciousness. At that point, an ambulance showed up, and he went into unconsciousness.”

Ci piace ricordarlo così, in questo video con il collega Dr.Dre a cui è andata decisamente meglio, dato che si starà pulendo il culo con le banconote da 100$ dopo il recente acquisto di Beats da parte di Apple.