L’ultimo album di Perfume GeniusPut Your Back N 2 It, risale al 2012. Se vi stavate chiedendo che fine avesse fatto Profumo, una recente intervista pubblicata da Paste Magazine ha svelato where the fuck he/she has been negli ultimi due anni.

Un nuovo lavoro dovrebbe uscire a settembre, ma Profumo è ancora in alto mare per quanto riguarda il titolo dell’album e delle canzoni:

Paste: Do you have the album name and tracklist all solidified?
Hadreas: No, I don’t. I’ve been going back and forth on a lot of things. It should be the fun part now with all of that, but I think I’m going through the same process of overthinking everything for a while, and eventually I’ll figure it out and hopefully it won’t be something too rebellious.

Nel corso dell’intervista, rivela che gli/le è stato consigliato di fare un album meno gaio del precedente, ma Profumo pare essersene fregato/a altamente:

Paste: What kind of stories are you trying to tell on this new album?
Hadreas: When I was about to record, a lot of people gently, and they were well-intended, but they nudged me to make less gay-themed things. It was like, “I know you have it in you to make something with broader appeal.” And that’s why I failed trying to be that. There are a lot of songs about how I recognize the bad patterns I’m in. There would be lots of easy things for me to do that would get me out of those behaviors but I just kind of…don’t [laughs]. Just like, nope, no thanks, I’m just going to keep being horrible and miserable.

Sul piano strettamente musicale, ecco cosa dobbiamo aspettarci invece:

Paste: What’s the instrumentation like on this one?
Hadreas: There’s a lot less piano—I mean, there’s still a decent amount, but I guess less than some of the other records. There are songs where I don’t play any piano until the end. For the demos, I did a lot of synth-y type things. And Adrian’s studio is filled with a lot of really old, really cool synths. And then John Parish, who played drums on my last album, came in and played drums. And my bandmate that tours with me, Herve, came in and played drums. We had a bass clarinet. There’s a lot more stuff than on the other albums, which are a lot more scarce.

Paste: Are you working again with Drew Morgan [producer for Put Your Back N 2 It]? 
Hadreas: No, I worked with Ali Chant, who is the engineer on the last album, and Adrian Utley, who is in Portishead.

E per concludere, ecco forse il dettaglio più importante riguardo gli ultimi due anni di Profumo:

Me and my boyfriend [and bandmate, Alan Wyffels] moved into a house and got a dog. A little chihuahua named Wanda. I call her Tony though. I don’t know why.

In attesa di buone nuove da Profumo, vi lasciamo con il video di Take Me Home, che rimane ficcante come non mai anche a distanza di 2 anni: