stone roses noel

Un giorno imprecisato del 2016 arriverà – ormai è certo – l’annuncio di un nuovo album degli Stone Roses.

La notizia, ormai nell’aria da mesi, è stata recentemente confermata dal leader Ian Brown, che come unico commento ha solamente giurato di voler portare le nuove canzoni dal vivo in posti dimenticati da Dio.

A gettare carne sul fuoco ci pensa il prezzemolino Noel Gallagher, che dopo aver incontrato Brown al supermercato ha deciso di condividere con la stampa nuovi e ficcanti dettagli su questo attesa terza fatica della band di Manchester:

“I am very excited, for them mainly, they’re going to play some new songs. I bumped into Ian in a supermarket recently. He was buying chocolate flavoured shower gel. This is not a joke. He leant and said ‘have you tried this?’ and I said of course I hadn’t. He swears by it, says it’s amazing. And before it turned into a photoshoot with everyone and their cameraphones, he was telling me how excited they are by it all. He said it was like they were making their first record again.”

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