I Kaiser Chiefs hanno rilasciato Stay Togheter, sesto album in studio della band di Leeds e segna la svolta synth-pop. Si tratta del primo LP dal 2013 e vanta le collaborazioni con MNEK e  Wayne Hector.

Ricky Wilson, frontman della band, ha dichiarato:

“When we finished writing the last record we realised that the most important thing to everyone is what’s going on in their lives. Their ‘personal politics’ and that’s what this album is about. If ‘Education, Education, Education & War’ was our protest album, then ‘Stay Together’ is our relationship album. Brian [Higgins] brought a very different approach to song writing and recording, it was a steep learning curve but together we tried out new ideas and sounds and ended up with a new and fresh sounding Kaiser Chiefs album. Like no Kaiser Chiefs record you have heard before.”


A queste dichiarazioni hanno fatto seguito quelle rilasciate a NME Magazine:

“The music world has changed. Ten years ago, we’d have been against co-writing with other musicians. It was: ‘We’re a band, it’s about what the five of us can create behind closed doors.’ But that’s a daft way to approach it. Why, for the sake of ego, would you not make a song as good as it can possibly be? […] You want modern technology – ha aggiunto sul nuovo sound della band – You don’t want to just be dinosaurs with guitars.”