
Joel Zimmerman, più comunemente rintracciabile sotto lo pseudonimo di Deadmau5, volta le spalle ai festival EDM. Secondo quanto riportato da un’intervista rilasciata dal producer al London Evening Standard, i grandi festival sono diventati un business di puro lucro dove gli unici a guadagnarci sono gli sponsor e i promoter che negli ultimi anni hanno concentrato l’attenzione molto più sul brand legato al nome del festival piuttosto che sulla musica

” It’s another thing I can’t fuckin’ stand, you know? Festivals are being branded bigger than the acts, which is totally backwards in my head. It’s ’cause of those acts that you’re a festival! Who wins? The promoter. The guy who’s throwing this festival that’s branded bigger than you, that you think you’re awesome for headlining. It’s a shame, so that’s why I’m pulling out.”

Stanco di questo mercato, il topolone di Toronto si chiama fuori da tutto ciò e nel frattempo progetta il suo prossimo tour in giro per gli stadi, promettendo uno show di altissima qualità

” The show is gonna be a whole lot better than all eyes on you in some confined cube. It’s gonna be way more immersive. It’s in the round. We have Hollywood screenwriters coming up with a script. We have Chris Ha over at Blizzard [the video game developer] doing storyboards for it. We’re producing it like you’d produce a film. I’m really excited about it because it’s a sink-or-swim thing. Even the accountant’s freaking out.”

E alla domanda su cosa ne pensa della musica EDM, è convinto che a breve questa energia pulsante che ha shackerato l’intero globo molto presto cesserà di battere, come ogni trend passeggero che si rispetti

” As they say, the rat is the first one to jump off the boat when it starts going down, and that’s kind of what’s happening. It’s already been going down the last couple of years, for me. Maybe not in the industry. Maybe there’ll be a whole new herd of sheep following that shit, and fucking good luck. Disco had a longer run than EDM has, to be honest about it, and that died in a fucking hurry. EDM is way more susceptible because that was in a time when they didn’t have mass social media and all that shit. It’s not gonna be me saying, “OK, EDM’s done,” and the whole thing falls apart, but I think it’ll eventually fuck itself so hard.”

Tra uno show e l’altro Mr Zimmerman, sgomma per le vie della città sulla sua Ferrari, customizzata e ribattezzata Purrari, comprata sicuramente anche grazie ai guadagni ricavati dai cari festival che oggi tanto critica.

In gamba Joel!
