È in arrivo una docu-series di quattro ore sulla scena indie newyorkese degli anni 2000, basata sul libro di Lizzy Goodman intitolato Meet Me in the Bathroom: Rebirth and Rock & Roll in NYC 2001-2011.

Il libro, acclamato da critica e pubblico, è stato descritto dall’autrice come una “dirty time capsule” sulla scena newyorkese di quegli anni. Nella prefazione si legge:

In the second half of the twentieth-century New York was the source of new sounds, including the Greenwich Village folk scene, punk and new wave, and hip-hop. But as the end of the millennium neared, cutting-edge bands began emerging from Seattle, Austin, and London, pushing New York further from the epicenter. The behemoth music industry, too, found itself in free fall, under siege from technology. Then 9/11/2001 plunged the country into a state of uncertainty and war—and a dozen New York City bands that had been honing their sound and style in relative obscurity suddenly became symbols of glamour for a young, web-savvy, forward-looking generation in need of an anthem. 

Dal libro sarà tratta una serie in quattro episodi che si focalizzerà su band come The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, Interpol, Yeah Yeah Yeahs e molte altre citate nell’opera. I diritti dello scritto sono stati acquisiti da Pulse Films, la stessa casa di produzione che ha realizzato One More Time with Feeling su Nick Cave e The Reflektor Tapes degli Arcade Fire.

Il filmmaker hanno dichiarato di voler rinunciare a:

Expected tropes and conventions of music documentaries, tocreate a work of true cinematic scale that will redefine the scope of the music documentary form.

La regia del progetto è stata affidata a Will Lovelace e Dylan Southern (gli stessi di Shut Up and Play the Hits sugli LCD Sounsystem), a capo della produzione ci sarà Jaime Neely, mentre la produzione esecutiva sarà nelle mani di Thomas Benski, Sam Bridger, Brian Levy e la stessa Lizzy Goodman.

L’autrice del libro, entusiasta del progetto, ha detto:

At various points during the six long years it took to bring Meet Me in the Bathroom to life, it occurred to me what an incredible documentary this would make. At the time it seemed like a total fantasy but it now feels like fate that the team behind Shut Up and Play the Hits, the show that gave me the idea to write this book in the first place, would be the ones to bring Meet Me in the Bathroom to the screen.

It’s time to share with everyone else the full view of this weird, beautiful, dirty time capsule I’ve been inhabiting.