Il celebre club londinese fabric aveva indetto un concorso nei passati giorni per trovare un nome al suo gatto, new entry dei loro uffici nella capitale inglese.

Chiunque avesse trovato il nome perfetto al gattino, si sarebbe aggiudicato l’entrata gratuita a vita nel locale.

Squeee ❤ Meet our new office cat. Will you help us name him?

In return for the most fitting moniker we’ll reward the…

Pubblicato da fabriclondon su Mercoledì 7 giugno 2017

Oltre 7000 persone hanno partecipato al concorso online, ma solo uno si è portato a casa la vittoria:

Out to the 7000 of you who entered our little naming competition for our adorable new office cat. We’re a bit blown away by the scale of the response and have been massively impressed with the level of kitty puns that you thought up (Loco Mice). The consideration and thought that has been poured into this has blown us away. We read through all of your thousands of entries then worked up a shortlist of our favourite 5 (no easy task) which were: Moog, Prince, Roland, Trevino and Ricardo. But, it was just too hard to make a decision on one so we drew names from a hat and the winner…was…Moog.


Out to the 7000 of you who entered our little naming competition for our adorable new office cat?

We’re a bit blown away by the scale of the response and have been massively impressed with the level of kitty puns that you thought up (Loco Mice ?). The consideration and thought that has been poured into this has blown us away.

We read through all of your thousands of entries then worked up a shortlist of our favourite 5 (no easy task) which were: Moog, Prince, Roland, Trevino and Ricardo.

But, it was just too hard to make a decision on one so we drew names from a hat and the winner…was…Moog.

Congratulations to Erron Turk Wellington for suggesting this first you have won a silver card and free entry for life.

We feel so touched by the response so we’re also awarding the people who suggested our shortlisted names a prize of a fabric tote bag too that’s you Tom Williams, Jonny Moy, Keith Tennis and Dan Springett.

Check your other inbox for a message from one of our team

Love, fabric and Moog x

Pubblicato da fabriclondon su Venerdì 9 giugno 2017

Il gattino si chiamerà Moog: scartati nomi geniali – Loco Mice su tutti – si è preferito affidarsi al valore storico del marchio statunitense di sintetizzatori.