
St. Vincent, al secolo Annie Clark, ha riferito che la love story con l’attrice e modella Cara Delevingne è giunta al capolinea.

Cara e Annie stavano insieme dal 2015 e nel giugno dello stesso anno, smentendo le voci circa una crisi di coppia, resero pubblica la volontà di convolare a nozze. Il Sun  oggi riporta che le due  “hanno preso strade separate” dopo che la  Delevingne ha intrapreso il  press tour per il film Suicide Squad.

Una fonte ha dichiarato al tabloid inglese:

“Cara and Annie still care about each other, but pressures of the long-distance romance just became too much… They decided to call it a day but remain pals and are hoping they can work things out as its no doubt they really love each other.”

Cara Delevingne qualche tempo fa  ha parlato del suo rapporto con la Clark in un’intervista a Vogue, dicendo:

“I think that being in love with my girlfriend is a big part of why I’m feeling so happy with who I am these days. And for those words to come out of my mouth is actually a miracle […] “It took me a long time to accept the idea (of being attracted to women), until I first fell in love with a girl at 20 and recognised that I had to accept it… Women are what completely inspire me, and they have also been my downfall. I have only been hurt by women, my mother first of all.”

La storia d’amore tra Cara e Annie si tinge si un inteso e malinconico Blue Valentine.