I Porridge Radio hanno diffuso due nuovi brani – in collaborazione con Piglet.

Si tratta di Let’s Not Fight e Strong Enough, che trovi anche nella deluxe edition di Every Bad, uno dei nostri album preferiti del 2020.

Dana Margolin, leader della band, si è detta entusiasta di lavorare con il produttore e cantautore Piglet (aka Charlie Loane):

Piglet is one of my favourite artists. I remember the first time I saw Charlie fronting his other band, Great Dad, and just being completely blown away and entranced by his songs and the way he was performing them. I feel very lucky that he likes my music. This collaboration felt like it was coming for a while, and luckily lockdown gave us a chance to make these songs last summer. Writing together felt great, and I really loved the whole process and bouncing off of each other’s ideas. Something that Charlie really gets is emotional intensity and I am so glad we could be intense as hell together on these tracks.

Di seguito puoi ascoltare Let’s Not Fight e Strong Enough: