La data della pubblicazione del secondo album dei London Grammar verrà ufficializzata a giorni e, in vista della release, la band inglese c’ha tenuto precisare che gli accostamenti del passato con The xx non reggono più, i brani del sophomore sound like a completely different realm”.

Il nuovo disco del trio è in fase di mastering e in una recente intervista hanno definito con il termine “lazy” il paragone con The xx.

Interpellato sulla questione, il chitarrista Dan Rothman ha detto:

Oh, it was just The xx thing. I think that is going to be even less so now. It sounds like a completely different realm. No disrespect to them, because I think they’re amazing. It is the fact that there’s three of us as two girls and a boy – but it’s just lazy.

Il batterista Dot Major ha continuato dicendo:

I do think that’s totally natural. The attention span that people have, and that’s not negative because I have it as well, but you look at something and you want a point of reference to mean if it’s going to be worth even five seconds of your time. Having some kind of comparison is inevitable.

L’intervista è stata chiusa da Hannah Reid che però ha ammesso:

They are of course, hugely influential – so I would say we were influenced by them.