Il 21 aprile, la mattina della domenica di Pasqua, 50.000 persone hanno assistito alla Sunday Service di Kanye West al Coachella.

Yeezy e i suoi sodali vestiti di viola (colore utilizzato  durante l’Avvento e la Quaresima che rappresenta la penitenza, l’attesa e il lutto) hanno officiato l’evento sulla cima di una collina erbosa, come a voler celebrare la messa più importante dell’anno liturgico cristiano.

Secondo quanto rivelato da una non meglio identificata fonte a People, dopo l’esibizione al Coachella Kanye si sarebbe convinto a spalancare le porte di una “casa di culto” permanente dove tenere le Sunday Service:

Say what you want about Kanye, but he really does want to help people who need support. He understands brokenness and the need for healing, probably more than most people. He believes in the healing powers of music, but also believes that God can step in and heal people’s brokenness and their issues.

Prima del Coachella le Sunday Service erano riservate a pochi intimi, per lo più amici e parenti, ma dopo l’exploit nel deserto del Colorado Kanye starebbe valutando l’idea di allargare l’evento a più persone:

Kanye has talked about starting his own church, and what exactly that would be, though “no official plans” are in development. Kanye has always said that his vision has always been for people from different backgrounds – races, ethnicities, beliefs, politics – to come together to worship God and love other people.

Nel corso di una recente intervista rilasciata ad ElleKim Kardashian ha detto sulle Sunday Service:

It’s honestly more like a healing experience for my husband. It’s just music, there’s no sermon. It’s definitely something he believes in – Jesus – and there’s a Christian vibe. But there’s no preaching. It’s just a very spiritual Christian experience.