
Gli Shins continuano a navigare a vele spiegate verso il loro nuovo album. Nelle ultime settimane sono stati lanciati diversi segnali e, in particolare dai profili ufficiali della band, abbiamo già avuto un assaggio di quello che dovrebbe essere il loro grande ritorno, dopo anni di ancoraggio nella baia del silenzio.

Queste le parole del capitano Jason Mercer in una recente intervista con KBO 90.7 in quel di Portland:

“I’m really excited about this record… I think we’ve got something that Shins fans will really love, and I think there’s some other things on there that are different enough. I made a concerted effort on certain songs to fit the palette, to use the palette that I’ve used historically for the band. I think it’s really strong. I think lyrically, I’m better than I ever was. And I think my songwriting is stronger than it ever was.

E riguardo alla data di uscita dell’album ha aggiunto:

“My intention was to have the the record to come out this year, but there’s inevitably these reasons that the label or whatever wants to postpone release just so that they have more time to set things up and do whatever sort of marketing and things that they have to do. So it looks like it’ll be coming out next year. Early next year, like January hopefully.”

Ecco l’intervista completa:

E per i nostalgici, uno dei primi singoli: