I Lost Under Heaven, progetto formato Ellery James Roberts (ex leader dei WU LYF) e Ebony Hoorn, dopo aver pubblicato nel 2016 l’album di debutto Spiritual Songs For Lovers To Sing, due mesi fa sono tornati sulle scene con il brano The Breath Of Light.

Il duo ha appena confermato che il nuovo album è in arrivo entro la fine di quest’anno e in occasione dell’annuncio ha rilasciato il primo singolo tratto dal sophomore, intitolato Bunny’s Blues.

The Breath Of Light è marchiato dalla inconfondibile voce di Roberts, Bunny’s Blues da quella di Hoorn che a proposito ha dichiarato:

With this song I present an alter ego. Creating this character of Bunny began with a performance piece I did back in Amsterdam. She became a playful tool to confront how male-dominated society attempts to control both women and nature without having any real understanding or respect for their being and innate power.

L’artwork di Bunny’s Blues


L’alter ego di Hoorn è presente sia nell’artwork realizzato per il brano che nel video co-diretto da David Lynchian e la stessa artista che ha detto:

I took inspiration from Cassavetes’ Killing Of A Chinese Bookie, Rainer Fassbinder’s Lola, and then the Giallo styling of Dario Argento and Jesus Franco to subvert the typical exploitative objectification of the female body. Working with a small team, we designed and built all the sets in a friend’s basement.

Hoorn ha poi aggiunto:

Our cinematographer, Jamie Allan, was able to secure an old 16mm camera, which had been a lifelong dream to work with. I love how it pushes everyone to consider every aspect, to focus and remain present in the moment whilst you work. Creating this video has been an intense but very rewarding experience: between Ellery, Jamie, and myself, we handled the entire production, direction and editing, learning many lessons that will feed back into LUH.INTERNATIONAL, our recently formed production studio.