I Foals hanno iniziato a lavorare al follow-up di What Went Down del 2015.

Yannis Philippakis, frontman della band inglese, ha confermato via Instagram l’indiscrezione che circolava da qualche giorno. Il cantante e chitarrista ha pubblicato una foto accompagnata dall’esplicita didascalia:

Off to write the next record brb.

Off to write the next record brb ??

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Lo scorso luglio, i Foals si sono già esposti sulle loro future mosse. Sempre Philippakis, intervistato da NME, ha dichiarato:

We’re in the marinating stage of thinking about getting onto the next record. We have a couple of bits written but it’s in the very early stages. We’re in the conception stage, we’re not pregnant yet, we’re just trying to have the kid

If we were just repeating the same thing and style, I think it would have got boring – but just making records to the reactions of the one that came before is probably not the healthiest thing because it’s throwing the baby out with the bath water. I think that was the knee-jerk reaction we had at the beginning. We’ve got to go through some sort of violent change for the record to be what we want it to be. I’m excited for it and we’re hungry for it. I’m excited to make a new body of work. 
Dopo il post Instagram delle scorse ore, è chiaro che la band ora sia in dolce attesa. Nella stessa intervista, Yannis ha accennato anche gli argomenti che saranno trattati nei testi:
I think the world is obviously affecting the way we feel as individuals. I definitely feel that when I’m writing lyrics or music, that it’s in dialogue with what’s going on around me in isolation – so I’m sure there will be things in the lyrics to do with, not just the political climate but also the environmental situation that’s happening now. I think that it will be there.
Con la speranza di dover attendere meno di nove mesi, non ci resta che attendere il parto.