Lo scorso 29 settembre i Crystal Fighters annunciavano la pubblicazione di Everything Is My Family, terzo album disponibile dal 21 ottobre in formato digitale e dal 28 in CD e LP. La notizia venne accompagnata dalla pubblicazione del brano Ways I Can’t Tell. 

Ad una settimana dalla release del nuovo disco, la band anglo-spagnola torna a farsi sentire rilasciando il singolo Good Girl, accompagnato da un comunicato via Facebook:

We wrote “Good Girls” on a cold winter’s day somewhere deep in the furthest reaches of one of the home counties of the UK. We stared at icy fields, and shaggy-haired flocks of sheep huddled outside and dreamt of summer love back in a tropical paradise across the ocean, now so far away.

As a band we are known to crank up the studio’s central heating and try to imagine ourselves somewhere exotic and far away. If for whatever reason we cannot actually be in these fantastical locations. We then break out the ukeleles and try to summon the happy spirits of good times. Even when the song has a kind of sad and emotional sentiment like “Good Girls” – where a girl I was totally head-over-heels for, ditched me seemingly without a second thought – we’ll try to give the music and the vibe a positive spin. Like, there’s plenty of other fish in the sea, or y.o.l.o., or something like that.

The inspiration for the track actually came from a situation we experienced while travelling around Central America, going to these crazy festivals and meeting all sorts of interesting people from round the world. One of them was this young lady who stole my heart with her hula-hooping skills. After her display we had a very spiritual conversation about life and our place in the universe in Spanish. I thought we had something really exciting going on between us, and she seemed to have eyes for me too. The stars were swirling overhead, energy was flying all across the hilltop while psychedelic bands ramped up the tempo, and we danced some of the sweetest dances I have ever known. Before I knew it, however, the lady was gone and never to be seen again. I asked around as to where she had gone, but no one seemed to know. I was heartbroken, but lived to tell the tale, and this, months later was the story from which Good Girls spawned.

Sebastian, Gilbert & Graham